Monday, January 26, 2009


i know human is not a perfect being but we are perfect in a sense that Allah had given us the greatest gift of all: intelligence. Thank God i had this. Thank God i'm a human and i can exercise this beautiful gift in every possible ways i could think of. anything that ever crossed anyone's mind is absolutely not barred by any resistance whatsoever that inhibits the so-called free to think ability. free to think equals to free-thinker to me. if we do not have a limit onto which we disallow ourselves from crossing over the Divine's border, we are overly-ambitious people.

it is completely understandable when it is said that we're suppose to live modestly; in everything that we do. that is very well-said.

human tend to be very conceited with themselves especially lately when i realize that human who are suppose to live in a developed country are very keen with their own beauties and perfect feature (i'm not jealous!). taking their own pictures. everywhere. anywhere. anytime. honestly, this has got to be one of the greatest sin that Allah had warned us about: takabbur. i appreciate anyone pointing their fingers back at me since i had my own pic here in this blog but at least i don't keep a thousand more in flickr or imageshack. why do you need to capture your youth in every minutes of your life. i could easily conclude that you're afraid of getting old. you wated to show how beautiful, cool and hot you were when you were young. now, that's pathetic. like a narcissist. obsessing with oneself is a very apalling activity. Eeeww..
just accept the fact that we'll grow old one day. being old has it's own advantages.

someone should really listen to Katy Perry-Ur so gay. since you're at it, watch the videoclip as well. very, very entertaining. ha-ha.

i am in a predicament and i'm having it rough since it's a battle within myself on why and how i should act and what are my purposes in this world. yes, talking about conceited, i am a pro in that. galvanizing it with the reason to boost self-confident. that's crap. it is a total bullshit. it's just about feeling at a higher standard among others which only put you lower to the ground. Alhamdulillah, i've reached the ground and realize where i'm wrong. hopefully i won't repeat this mistake ever, ever again.

till then, TTFN